A website by War Heritage Institute

Personal military files

Personal military files

Personal military files

Many visitors are interested in family history and come to look for an ancestor in the Belgian armed forces. The RMM keeps the personal files of all officers born before 1900, as well as the files of non-commissioned officers and privates born between 1845 and 1888. The database of these files is online. Click here to check and for more information on what is kept where.

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The files of officers born after 1900 and of non-commissioned officers and privates born after 1888 are kept partly at the Queen Elisabeth Quarters in Evere, partly at the State Archives of Belgium:

Des milliers de dossiers matriculaires d’officiers de l’Armée belge actifs au cours du XXe sont désormais accessibles aux Archives générales du Royaume - Archives de l'État en Belgique